How Five Rings OKC is Helping educate Middle Americans in the art of how money works
Five Rings Financial OKC is helping educate middle americans in the art of how money works.
An Overview of Five Rings OKC
Five Rings Financial was founded with a simple yet groundbreaking objective: to educate Middle Americans in the art of how money works. At the cornerstone of their efforts lies a belief that in order to make your money work for you, you must understand the fundamentals of personal finance. They give people a chance to prepare for a better future by offering free financial education at our Money 101 and Wine, Women, and Wealth classes.
Their mission is to help bring education, confidence, and peace of mind in an otherwise stressful and often confusing important area of people's lives --finances.
Their goal is not to simply get a client and move on, but to build a genuine relationship, moving at their clients’ pace, and ensuring they know and understand not only what they are doing, but why they are doing it.
What we are able to do for our clients are 3 things: 1) Average 8% growth, 2) Guarantee no loss, and 3) Never charge for what they do. Partner that with their focus on education, and our business model of being independent brokers meaning we can work with nearly every company in the industry to ensure they are providing the best solutions to our clients, and you have a company full of agents who genuinely are here to leave people better off financially than they were when we first met them.